Know-How Series 2 : Henner AAC
NRY Architects conducted a Know-How Series 2 session on 3 March 2023, aimed at architects to provide knowledge on Henner autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC) and its application in the construction industry. The session was held at NRY Architects and was presented by representatives from Henner AAC.
The session covered several aspects of the Henner AAC product, including its composition, manufacturing process, and benefits in the construction industry. The product presentation demonstrated how Henner AAC could be used to enhance the quality and durability of construction projects. The presentation also highlighted the various applications of Henner AAC in different types of construction projects.
The session included a Q&A segment where architects had the opportunity to ask questions and clarify any doubts about the product. The Henner AAC representatives provided detailed answers to the questions, showcasing their expertise and knowledge in the field. It has provided valuable insights into the product’s application, making it an informative and engaging event for architects.