NRY Architects Social Media Campaign 2020
As we are counting down to the new year of 2021, leaving the eventful pandemic year of 2020, we asked our colleagues at NRY Architects of their definitions on the new norms practice that is indispensable to our daily lifestyle now. This is part of our inaugural social media online campaign that was held as a social activity for our staff members during this time of pandemic that has restricted our social interaction activities.
The NRY Architects Social Media Campaign 2020 has drawn an overwhelming response from the fellow staff members, where participants have submitted their creative photos capturing their own definitions of new norms in daily lifestyle, whether at the office, home and our outdoor environment, with their own uniquely crafted captions.
To view the featured photos, visit NRY Architects social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google Search.
#nryarchitects #malaysianarchitects #nryarchitectssocialmediacampaign2020 #bestof2020❤️ #newnorms #kitajagakita?